As the captain said, "It was magic." Not so much for the seals that ended up as whale breakfast, but our guests and crew had an amazing time on calm seas with transient orcas and humpbacks. Never let the rain get in the way of a good time!
12 Erie St - Fisherman's Wharf
Victoria, BC
As the captain said, "It was magic." Not so much for the seals that ended up as whale breakfast, but our guests and crew had an amazing time on calm seas with transient orcas and humpbacks. Never let the rain get in the way of a good time!
Half-Day Whale and Wildlife Watching Tours – Summer
Half Day Whale & Wildlife Watching Tours – Winter/Spring
Whale Watching – Summer/Fall Sunset Tours
Specialty Birdwatching Tours
Custom Charters and Group Tours – All Year
Full-Day Whale and Wildlife Watching Tours – Summer