TGIF! Humpback Whales stole the show this morning, with an appearance by some Transient Killer Whales to bring us home. The sun is shinning and we are excited for the weekend!
PS We still have space on our 6pm and 7:30pm sunset tour tonight :)
12 Erie St - Fisherman's Wharf
Victoria, BC
TGIF! Humpback Whales stole the show this morning, with an appearance by some Transient Killer Whales to bring us home. The sun is shinning and we are excited for the weekend!
PS We still have space on our 6pm and 7:30pm sunset tour tonight :)
Half-Day Whale and Wildlife Watching Tours – Summer
Half Day Whale & Wildlife Watching Tours – Winter/Spring
Whale Watching – Summer/Fall Sunset Tours
Specialty Birdwatching Tours
Custom Charters and Group Tours – All Year
Full-Day Whale and Wildlife Watching Tours – Summer