We LOVE fall in the Salish Sea. Why? It’s peak season for humpback whales as they fatten up for their winter migration. Bigg’s killer whale families visit almost daily to snack on their favourite foods. Grey and minke whales pop up every now and then. Our flippered, furred and feathered friends are here in large numbers.

And on our later-in-the-day tours, we have a chance to see one of those renowned Salish Sea autumn sunsets. It’s the icing on the cake!

Sounds great so far, right? But wait. Is whale watching a safe thing to do right now? What COVID-19 safety measures does Eagle Wing Tours have in place? Where can you learn more about those safety measures?

These are all good questions that you should be asking—and we’re happy to answer!

Humpback whale / Eagle Wing Tours

Our measures align with BC’s Restart Plan

At Eagle Wing Tours, we take the health and safety of everyone—guests, staff and neighbours—VERY seriously. It’s our #1 priority. Our policies and protocols align with BC’s Restart Plan and continue to be guided by the advice of public health authorities, WorkSafe BC and Transport Canada.

These COVID safety measures—consistently praised by our guests—are regularly reviewed and updated as new information comes in from authorities. They include:

  • Contact-free check-in
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols
  • Multiple hand sanitizer stations
  • Outdoor seating options
  • Friendly reminders to socially distance where possible.

We’re very aware that there are different levels of vaccination out there, which means different levels of protection. Throughout the fall, it’s important that we respect everyone’s comfort level and continue to protect the vulnerable among us!

Our mask policy

Masks remain mandatory on the docks and inside the cabins of our two semi-covered vessels, 4 Ever Wild and Wild 4 Whales for everyone aged two and older. Face coverings are also mandatory during our pre-boarding safety talk and when walking down the dock to and from any of our vessels. There are no exceptions.

These requirements are for the protection of everyone in your tour group, our staff and those who live at Fisherman’s Wharf.

On the outer decks of all our vessels, face coverings such as masks and buffs are optional—but encouraged.

You can bring your own mask. Or we’re happy to provide free face coverings at check-in.

Bigg’s killer whales / Eagle Wing Tours

Join us for some fall fun!

To say the past 18 months have been difficult for everyone is an understatement. The pandemic has changed the global landscape, with each of us adapting our lives to the best of our abilities. Now we can help you cut loose and have some fun—to get out and enjoy the fresh air and stunning beauty of the Salish Sea.

We’re ready for you! Fall is a fabulous time of year to see everything the Salish Sea has to offer—multiple kinds of whales, seals, sea otters, sea lions, the list goes on. Come out and meet them!

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve

Discount for locals

To salute the collective effort of everyone in our region over the past year-and-a-half, we’re offering a 20% discount for residents of the 13 municipalities within the Greater Victoria region. Just bring proof of address! Use promo code VICLOCAL.

To book a tour visit us online, or contact us at info@eaglewingtours.com or 250-384-8008 or 1-800-708-9488.