Whales are notoriously difficult to buy for. They look terrible in sweaters, they have no use for a jar of homemade jam, and the latest gadgets don’t work 100 feet under the sea. So what do you get a whale that has everything? An eco-friendly gift that keeps on giving, of course.

Adopt a whale

When you adopt a whale through Vancouver Aquarium’s BC Wild Killer Whale Adoption Program, you’ll become a key partner in long-term research studies. Research is expensive work with endless travel, equipment, boat, and maintenance costs, so your donation will help protect our killer whale populations and educate both the government and the public of their ecosystem needs.

Adoption through this program is symbolic (you don’t actually get to bring a whale home…), but you will get to pick your favourite whale and choose an adoption package that fits your budget. All packages come with:

  • Adoption certificate
  • ID photo and biography of “your” whale
  • CD “Blackfish Sound” – featuring the sounds of BC’s killer whales. Narrated by Dr. John K.B. Ford
  • Annual members’ newsletter, “Blackfish Sounder”
  • Adoption membership for one full year which entitles you to receive email updates and the next issue of the Blackfish Sounder

Meet the whales and give them the gift of a more sustainable future!

Become a Center for Whale Research member

The Center for Whale Research (CWR) is an internationally recognized pioneer in marine mammal photo identification and research. Based in the San Juan Islands, they’re dedicated to the study and conservation of the Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orca) population in the Pacific Northwest.

CWR has recently seen a dramatic reduction in government funding, so they need your help more than ever. When you become a member of this great organization, you’ll receive:

  • A high-resolution PDF download of their most recent Orca Survey
  • Exclusive Southern Resident Killer Whale ID Photos
  • “Best of CWR” Photo Gallery, taken by CWR’s accomplished wildlife photographers
  • Access to current news and up-to-date reports on both local and world wide killer whales
  • Bi-monthly newsletters with population update and field reports, including a free photo to download with every newsletter

Plus, you’ll get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing you’ve made a direct contribution to orca conservation, education, and advocacy.

Make a change in your lifestyle

Even though orcas and other whales are aquatic creatures, they’re still affected by our actions on land. There are many small (and free!) changes you can make to your daily life to help whales and other ocean dwellers thrive and survive. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Everything you put down the drain eventually ends up in the ocean. So, make sure you properly dispose of car oil, antifreeze, medications, and other chemicals that upset the ecosystem
  • Avoid using pesticides on your lawn
  • Use reusable shopping bags. Plastic bags stick around for hundreds of years and leach harmful chemicals into our environment (again, don’t forget that everything ends up in the ocean!)
  • Volunteer with a local cleanup crew to remove garbage from beaches and shorelines
  • Support local businesses who are members of conservation organizations, such as 1% for the Planet
  • Choose an eco-friendly whale watching company

Want to know more about how you can give whales the gift of a brighter future? Check out our  conservation initiatives for more ways you can help! And of course, you can always get in touch with us at our whale watching headquarters in Victoria BC.