Trev has always had a love for living creatures—even many Homo sapiens— and has more than 25 years of marine ecotourism under his belt in the Salish Sea. Trev hails from the prairies of Saskatchewan where he learned to ski in -40-degree winters and persistent winds (blowing wheat fields feel like the sea!). Many road trips to the BC coast hooked him. After earning a degree in marine biology from the University of British Columbia, his passion for ocean creatures spurred him to a master’s degree in marine resource biometrics. He later serendipitously ventured into whale watching, and there was no turning back. He’s worked on several ecotourism boats out of Oak Bay and Victoria and now, lured by fantastic people and fantastic boats, he has strung his hammock at Eagle Wing! For off-season adventure he delves into overland/oversea tours of Mexico, Central America and South America!