Growing up in landlocked Alberta, Meaghan found her true calling for the ocean when she started travelling, and especially through scuba diving. She spent many years working overseas as a certified Dive Master, conducting research and giving educational programs on coral reefs (her first true love!). Witnessing multiple ecosystems interacting in a foreign world helped shape the rest of her life. She formally studied marine and coastal ecology, while contributing to multiple conservation initiatives on and under the water. Meaghan is one of the lead coordinators for our innovative “Exploring the Salish Sea” education program. Three years ago, she bought her own sailboat, Spyhop. She had zero knowledge of sailing at the time, but has grown to love the lifestyle and the deep feeling of connection to the sea it embodies. She recently started her own green business, Salt Legacy, which contributes to the circular economy by collecting worn-out sails from sailboats that would otherwise be heading for the landfill. They’re then upcycled into new West Coast-inspired gear!